Sports Club websites

We developed and support websites belonging to two of Ireland's most well know Hockey Clubs - Pembroke Wanderers and Loreto Hockey Club.



PWHC, Loreto Hockey Club


Web Development, Design

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About the project

We manage the websites of two of Ireland’s most well known Hockey Clubs – Pembroke Wanderers and Loreto Hockey Club. Both websites were designed at implemented by us.

When it comes to organic search there are no better performing club websites in Ireland than the Pembroke Wanderers and Loreto websites. This is no accident, there are specific reasons these websites perform so well on search

  1. Both sites were leanly developed, using bespoke designed developer templates. No cheap off the shelf Themes here.
  2. Content is front and centre and regularly updated by the Club.
  3. Best practise on-page SEO techniques
  4. Software regularly maintained and tweaked
  5. Engagement from users – both sites have a below average bounce rate.
  6. Effective social media strategy from both Clubs

Our process to execute these projects

We turned to WordPress and developed a bespoke Theme for each website. We employed custom fields to allow quick and easy updates of pages and posts.

  • Fixtures are integrated fully with Google Calendar
  • Easy to use CMS, add news items, Galleries etc
  • Easy to update front end

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